php中文网 |




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  • Fitting routines for the Vitality family of mortality models

    Fitting routines for the Vitality family of mortality models

    Fitting routines for the Vitality family of mortality models. Provides fitting routines for several models in the Vitality family of mortality models.

    admin |2022-04-01 11:21:14 |0

  • Matlab教程 (从新手到骨灰级玩家) 完整版PDF

    Matlab教程 (从新手到骨灰级玩家) 完整版PDF

    Matlab是一个可视化的计算程序,被广泛地使用于从个人计算机到超级计算机范围内的各种计算机上。Matlab包括命令控制、可编程,有上百个预先定义好的命令和函数。这些函数能通过用户自定义函数进一步扩展。 ...

    admin |2022-04-01 11:18:40 |0

  • C语言100道经典面试题 完整ppt

    C语言100道经典面试题 完整ppt

    1、中兴、华为、慧通、英华达、微软亚洲技术中心等中外企业面试题目; 2、C语言面试宝典(林锐《高质量编程第三版》)。 说明: 1、部分C语言面试题中可能会参杂部分和C++相关的知识,为了保持题目的灵活性 ...

    admin |2022-04-01 11:16:18 |0

  • 3D Digital Reality Engine V1.00, PURE VB in Visual Basic

    3D Digital Reality Engine V1.00, PURE VB in Visual Basic

    The following Visual Basic project contains the source code and Visual Basic examples used for 3D Digital Reality Engine V1.00, PURE VB. Just if you are an expert 3D programmer, you must NOT ...

    admin |2022-04-01 11:12:15 |0

  • 10 seconds (simple game) in visual basic

    10 seconds (simple game) in visual basic

    The following Visual Basic project contains the source code and Visual Basic examples used for 10 seconds (simple game). Each of the nine buttons counts down from 10 to one. Click them to in ...

    admin |2022-04-01 11:11:13 |0

  • A very polyvalent polygon drawing software in c

    A very polyvalent polygon drawing software in c

    The following C project contains the C source code and C examples used for a very polyvalent polygon drawing software. This program can draw any polygon that is a "regular polygon", a "star ...

    admin |2022-04-01 11:09:48 |0

  • A simple c compiler in c

    A simple c compiler in c

    The following C project contains the C source code and C examples used for a simple c++ compiler. A Simple COmpiler For Testing Switch and If else Statements. all the files should be pout in ...

    admin |2022-04-01 11:08:47 |0

  • A cool fileserver in c

    A cool fileserver in c

    The following C project contains the C source code and C examples used for a cool fileserver. You will see, this is actually two apps using Winsock.

    admin |2022-04-01 11:00:08 |0

  • Spring官宣网传大漏洞,并提供解决方案


    Spring沦陷了!这样的标题这几天是不是看腻了?然而,仔细看看都是拿着之前的几个毫不相干的CVE来大吹特吹。所以,昨天发了一篇关于最近网传的Spring大漏洞的文章,聊了聊这些让人迷惑的营销文、以及提醒 ...

    admin |2022-04-01 08:39:23 |0

  • 精心整理shell脚本100例(最新版) 中文PDF完整版

    精心整理shell脚本100例(最新版) 中文PDF完整版

    这里给大家分享一份精心整理的《shell脚本100例》最新版,本书融汇 Shell 脚本知识点,集大成之作,实在是学习、提升、面试必备精品,建议大家收藏保存起来慢慢学。 从历史上看,shell一直是类Unix系统的 ...

    admin |2022-03-31 22:42:01 |0





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