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  • 基于 Delaunay 的图像分割

    基于 Delaunay 的图像分割

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a fast image segmentation using delaunay triangulation. This function applies the Delaunay-based image segm ...

    admin |2022-04-07 17:45:31 |0

  • matlab 开发进度条

    matlab 开发进度条

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a customized progress bar . A customized version of Matlab "waitbar" presenting measured "time passed" and ...

    admin |2022-04-07 17:41:16 |0

  • 802.11b无线通信协议中CCK调制编码仿真


    该程序是802.11b无线通信协议中CCK调制编码仿真。有助于理解CCK用QPSK编码方式-This program will simulate the CCK modulation for the IEEE 802.11b wireless protocol. Helpful for understanding how ...

    admin |2022-04-07 17:38:15 |0

  • 基于matlab 的图像处理分析带gui

    基于matlab 的图像处理分析带gui

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a gui for image processing and analysis . ImageM integrates into a GUI several algorithms for interactve im ...

    admin |2022-04-07 15:45:03 |0

  • A complement tool and tutorial for nonlinear dynamic system linearization

    A complement tool and tutorial for nonlinear dynamic system linearization

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a complement tool and tutorial for nonlinear dynamic system linearization . Native MATLAB linearization too ...

    admin |2022-04-07 15:39:21 |0

  • A collection of files capable of drawing a standard colored smith chart inclu...

    A collection of files capable of drawing a standard colored smith chart inclu...

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a collection of files capable of drawing a standard colored smith chart including labels and scales . A col ...

    admin |2022-04-07 15:36:18 |0

  • 刘强东卸任京东集团CEO,徐雷接任


    据京东黑板报微信公众号消息,京东集团宣布,京东集团总裁徐雷先生出任京东集团CEO,将负责日常运营管理,向京东集团董事局主席刘强东先生汇报;刘强东先生将把更多精力投入到长期战略设计、重大战略决策 ...

    admin |2022-04-07 11:21:00 |0

  • 典型粒子群优化算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)

    典型粒子群优化算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a pso (particle swarm optimization)program . The program is writing base on the principle of the PSO algori ...

    admin |2022-04-07 11:18:30 |0

  • 3d voxelizer in matlab

    3d voxelizer in matlab

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for 3d voxelizer. This package provides functionalities for loading 3D models from ..

    admin |2022-04-07 10:56:03 |0

  • matlab 从 pdb 文件中读取数据的快速方法

    matlab 从 pdb 文件中读取数据的快速方法

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a fast method of reading data from pdb files. This is the fastest way I know to read in a PDB.

    admin |2022-04-07 10:51:01 |0





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