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  • matlab中基于小波的圆形霍夫变换


    以下 Matlab 项目包含用于基于小波的圆形霍夫变换的源代码和 Matlab 示例。在给定特定半径的情况下,计算基于小波的圆形霍夫变换的累加器图像。(对于 C++ 实现,请参阅 ...

    admin |2022-04-09 20:17:02 |0

  • 基于小波的去噪MATLAB代码


    以下 Matlab 项目包含用于基于小波的去噪的源代码和 Matlab 示例。该程序展示了小波对音频数据去噪的能力以及它在不同信噪比下对不同类型信号的有效性。 ...

    admin |2022-04-09 20:15:30 |0

  • A graphical tool for pixel-wise labeling of image sequences

    A graphical tool for pixel-wise labeling of image sequences

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a graphical tool for pixel-wise labeling of image sequences. . myLabel is a graphical tool for manual and s ...

    admin |2022-04-09 20:11:27 |0

  • Basic 2D Transformation with Simulation c project and source code

    Basic 2D Transformation with Simulation c project and source code

    The following C project contains the C source code and C examples used for Basic 2D Transformation with Simulation. This program shows you the basic transformation such as Translation, Rotat ...

    admin |2022-04-09 15:14:54 |0

  • Aviplayer c project and source code

    Aviplayer c project and source code

    The following C project contains the C source code and C examples used for aviplayer. This program can be used to play only avi files. Please vote for this code.

    admin |2022-04-09 15:12:36 |0

  • AVICQ project c project and source code

    AVICQ project c project and source code

    The following C project contains the C source code and C examples used for AVICQ project. AVICQ is a ICQ like P2P communicator with duplex video and auido.

    admin |2022-04-09 15:10:19 |0

  • Batch to c converter

    Batch to c converter

    The following C project contains the C source code and C examples used for batch to c converter. It is to convert commandline codes to c source code

    admin |2022-04-09 15:08:23 |0

  • matlab中画一个地球,一个用于地球到火星任务设计的matlab脚本


    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a matlab script for earth to mars mission design. PDF document and a MATLAB script named e2m_matlab.

    admin |2022-04-09 15:06:04 |0

  • 预测月球轨道事件的 matlab 脚本

    预测月球轨道事件的 matlab 脚本

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a matlab script for predicting orbital events of the moon. PDF document and a MATLAB script named levents. ...

    admin |2022-04-09 15:03:20 |0

  • A function for performing matrix symmetrical factoring

    A function for performing matrix symmetrical factoring

    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for a function for performing matrix symmetrical factoring

    admin |2022-04-09 13:12:16 |0





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